Natural Treatment for Eczema

natural treatment for eczema

The name in Greek means “boil” or “bubble”, and refers to the appearance of eczema on the skin. 
This bothersome skin disease initially appears as a red rash with red pimples and is accompanied by burning and tingling.
Luckily, there is a natural treatment for eczema.

The Symptoms and Causes of Eczema

After the red rash and red pimples appear, the skin dries and hardens.
It becomes itchy, and painful dandruff is formed, followed by cracks and scabs on the skin.
Beyond the pain and physical discomfort, eczema often causes emotional distress, resulting from embarrassment from the appearance of the skin.

There are a wide variety of factors that affect the formation of eczema and the intensity of its manifestation.
The factors are divided into two main categories, external and internal factors.

External Factors

Examples for external factors are allergies or irritants, including various metals, detergents, medicines, woolen clothes, synthetic fabrics, cosmetics, and more.

Internal Factors 

natural treatment for eczema

Asthma and Respiratory Sensitivity

The main victims who get eczema break out, without contact with any substance, are asthma patients and people with respiratory sensitivity.

Hormonal changes in women

About 30% of women who suffer from eczema experience flares of the disease in the days before the onset of the menstrual cycle.
About 50% of pregnant women who have eczema report worsening of symptoms during pregnancy.


Stress is linked to eczema but it is not yet clear how exactly it affects.
Some people claim that the symptoms of the disease are aggravated when they are stressed.
However, others find that the symptoms of the disease are what causes the feeling of stress.


Sweating can also cause eczema.
It may result from exercise or staying in hot, humid areas, such as the coastal plain during the summer months.
However, the summer is the season when there is an improvement in the symptoms of eczema.

Winter season

In winter more symptoms of eczema are reported than in summer. 

Seborrhea, which is a long-term skin disease, will appear in people who suffer from disorders of the proper functioning of the mammary glands.
Seborrhea will manifest as dandruff, and red, itchy, oily skin.

Natural Ways to Prevent Eczema

natural treatment for eczema
  • Lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress and improving sleep can reduce the chance of an eczema outbreak. 
  • Avoid irritants such as coarse cloth, hard soaps, and detergents.
  • Cold weather can also dry out the skin and encourage outbreaks.
  • The itching tends to be overcome immediately after a shower, drinking alcohol, exposure to the sun, and wearing warm clothes.
    When suffering from eczema, avoid all of these if possible.
  • People suffering from eczema should avoid itching to prevent skin injury.
    Try to rub and not scratch the areas where it itches you.
    Since dry skin can cause eczema to break out, you should apply natural moisturizer or ointment that will help soothe the skin.
  • Avoid spicy foods such as hot peppers, onions, or garlic that aggravate eczema.
  • When suffering from eczema stop consuming protein-rich foods for a while.
  • Do not drink strong tea, alcohol, and coffee.
  • Blueberries are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants.
    They are very effective in treating eczema, fungus, and other various inflammatory conditions.
  • Avoidance of certain foods and proper conduct will serve as a natural treatment for eczema.

In general, you should enrich your diet with vegetables and avoid processed foods, fried foods, and sugars.
The more waste there is in the body the worse the problem may be.
Therefore, natural treatment for eczema will also include a dietary change and reduction of anything that can weigh on the body.

Natural Home Remedies for the Treatment of Eczema


natural treatment for eczema

Drinking lemon juice on an empty stomach contributes to the purification of the blood and the removal of waste.
This waste may cause, among other things, skin damage.
Soaking compresses in a lemon juice mixed with water and placing it on the affected area also contributes to eczema healing.

Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the common helpful home remedies in these situations is apple cider vinegar.
Add one cup of apple cider vinegar to a liter of warm water.
Use this ratio to fill a bowl or a bath and dip the inflamed organ in it.
You can also sprinkle apple cider vinegar directly on the skin 3 times a day until it improves.


Oatmeal holds amazing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties.
It contains amino acids that help soothe eczema, and repair its damage.
Moreover, it helps to peel off scaly skin.

A simple oatmeal recipe for natural treatment of eczema that will soothe the skin:
Pour 2 cups of oatmeal into 1 cup of water in a bowl.
Boil and then cook on low flame for about 5 minutes.
Let it cool and apply it to all affected areas on the skin.
Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse.

Walnut Tree Leaves Bath

Pick young and green walnut tree leaves and wash them carefully.
Then put them in a bath and fill with hot water.
You can wait for it to cool down a bit and sit in the bath.

Do not add any cosmetics, soaps, etc.
Do not try this method using pecan leaves, only walnuts.

Nettle Leaves Infusion

nettle leaves infused tea

A proven natural treatment for eczema that has been tested is the nettle leaves infusion,

Prepare an herbal infusion from nettle leaves.
Using a cotton ball, spread on the rash until it disappears.

You may also use this infusion against skin rashes in infants.

Fried Onion in Olive Oil

Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in olive oil.
After it has cooled, apply to eczema to support healing.


Grind basil, a tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil, two cloves of crushed garlic, and a little salt.
Apply the paste to the affected areas on the skin.

Coconut Oil

The antimicrobial and moisturizing components of coconut oil can help deal with the eczema problem.
It can significantly reduce redness and dryness.

Gently apply a little warm coconut oil on the affected area to soften the skin.
For best results, use before bed.

Watermelon Peel

watermelon peel home remedy

Watermelon peel is a good natural treatment for fungal infected skin as well as eczema.
Grind together some fresh basil leaves, a tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic, and a little salt.
Apply the paste on the irritated area.

More Natural Home Remedies for the Treatment of Eczema

  • Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and detoxing properties,
    mix  ½ a teaspoon of turmeric with half a glass of water, then drink once every day. 
  • Apply juice extracted from Asphodelus roots to the affected area 2-3 times a day.
  • Eat four apricots a day for 3 days, in addition, place the apricot peel on the affected area.

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