The first reason to consider when having a late period is pregnancy.
However, it turns out that are other reasons for a late period.
Why Is My Period Late?
A regular menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days, however, the cycle differs from woman to woman.
It sometimes lasts a little longer or a little less.
There are also women for whom menstruation is not regular at all.
The length of the period, the type of bleeding, and the gap between one cycle to another may vary from one woman to another.
It may also vary for the woman herself, every month.
There are cases where the menstrual cycle is late or stops completely.
It is commonly thought that a state of a late period necessarily indicates pregnancy.
However, some women experience a late period with a negative pregnancy test.
It is important to know that there are a variety of reasons for a late period, and you should consult a doctor if that happens.
In this post, I’ll elaborate on 10 reasons for a late period and the natural ways to regulate your cycle.
Stress and Tension May Affect the Menstrual Cycle

Stress and tension can appear as a result of changes in the environment or by exams period, for example.
Other reasons for stress may be a change in sleep patterns, in personal life, relocation, etc.
Stress can cause a delay or disruption in the cycle, but it is usually a temporary phenomenon that will dissapear on its own.
Disrupting Your Schedule
When having a regular routine, in which you wake up, eat, and go to bed at regular hours and suddenly it’s distrupted,
Your menstrual cycle may also be distrupted by it.
If you suddenly wake up late at night or work longer hours, for example,
keep in mind that it can affect your menstrual cycle.
Error Calculating the Menstrual Cycle
An error in calculation is also a common reason for what appears to be a late period.
Many women do not know how to calculate their ovulation day or just do not bother to do so.
Therefore, they don’t always know exactly when their period is due and sometimes mistakenly think it is late.
If you didn’t mark in the diary the day you had your last period,
wait a few more days before you decide that your period is late.
Weight Changes Can Cause Late Period

Extreme changes in diet, weight gain, and weight loss may also lead to late period.
Especially difficult situations like extreme diet or eating disorders leading to malnutrition.
Women suffering from anorexia, being overweight, or having an extreme weight gain may sometimes not get a period at all.
It may sound like a blessing, but the opposite is true.
Eventually, a regular cycle comes to indicate that we are healthy.
We probably need to thank him more than curse the day he arrives.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome can cause ovulation problems in women, resulting in irregular menstruation for some.
This is a chronic condition, which manifests itself by irregular menstruation on a regular basis.
A doctor can diagnose this disease through a hormonal test and an ultrasound.
He can also recommend treatment for this condition.
Medical and Hormonal Conditions
Heart disease, diabetes, or early menopause can affect the regularity of the period.
Hormonal conditions may also affect menstruation,
Certain hormones, such as prolactin or thyroid hormones, can cause late period.
If this is the case, the condition can be diagnosed with a blood test.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Sometimes, a late period is due to the fact that you are pregnant, a common cause for a delay in menstruation.
If the period is a few days late, the first and simple thing to do is to have a pregnancy test.
Breastfeeding can also affect a state of irregular menstruation.
The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for producing milk in your body,
can suppress reproductive hormones, causing an irregular menstrual cycle.
Intense Sport
Exercise is a blessed thing, but it is important to do it in moderation.
Aside from the risk of stress fractures and injuries, excessive exercise can disrupt menstruation in women.
Prolonged exercising transmits distressing signals to the body.
The body responds to distress signals and stops the menstrual cycle.
Break and delay in menstruation is common in professional athletes such as runners and cyclists.
Taking Certain Medications May Cause Late Period
Certain medications that are claimed to be vegan or other medications, which contain substances that affect hormonal activity, may affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle.
If you are taking a new medication and a disruption has occurred,
consult your doctor about the connection between the two.
Thyroid Gland Disorders
It is estimated that 20% of all women suffer from thyroid disorders, of which about half are not properly diagnosed.
The thyroid gland plays an important role in metabolism.
Along with insulin and cortisol, thyroxine is one of the three hormones that control our metabolism.
Since thyroid hormones are responsible for the metabolism in every cell in the body, deficiency can affect all bodily functions.
It may lead to menstrual disorders, irregular menstruation, and lack of ovulation.
Thyroid disorder may also cause long and heavy menstrual bleeding and shorter menstrual period.
In some cases, it can also lead to infertility, loss of sexual desire, many pregnancy complications, and recurrent miscarriages.
Home Remedies for Late Period

Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds can help regulate menstruation.
In addition, it contributes to the balance of blood circulation and relaxation of the muscles,
including the uterus, so it can help make the menstrual itself easier.
Fennel seeds should be soaked in warm water overnight and drunk daily in the morning until menstruation appears.
Ginger Root
Ginger consumption has a host of benefits and one of them is the ability to precede the cycle and get through it easily.
This herb relaxes the muscles and contributes to the balance of the body.
It is especially effective for cleansing toxins.
The ginger root should be added to your diet, or make an infusion using it.
Boil a piece of the ginger root in water for 20 minutes.
Cover and let it cool, then strain and drink 3 times a day until menstruation appears.
You can sweeten this infusion with a little date syrup.
Sesame Seeds
Grind roasted sesame seeds or just eat raw tahini.
Eat one teaspoon of it on an empty stomach two weeks before the menstrual is due.
It can help to make menstruation regular and easier.
Sesame is rich in vitamin E which helps to cleanse the blood system.
Relaxation and Physical Activity

Relaxing activities such as meditations, swimming, and any action that helps reduce stress, can help speed up the cycle and make the cycle easier.
Stress affects us on the physical level, it causes muscle contraction and therefore it can also cause a late period and more severe symptoms during it.
A daily break, light physical activity, and disconnecting can help both feel better and precede the cycle.
Physical activity, like active or even relaxed sports activities, accelerates blood circulation.
Even a half-hour walk a day, daily, can help bring on the period.
Take a Hot Essential Bath
This is an old and well-known exercise, which also served our grandmothers, and still works.
If you need to speed up or precede menstruation, take a bath and enjoy the hot water.
You may also add soothing essential oils, such as chamomile and lavender to your bath.
Not only will a hot bath help you relax from a hard and stressful day,
but it will also help calm your abdominal muscles, which will stimulate blood flow from the uterus.
If you don’t have a bathtub, you can also apply warm compresses to the abdomen.
Foods Rich in Vitamin C to Regulate the Menstrual Cycle
Vitamin C is known to strengthen the immune system and relieve stress.
Moreover, it has the power to speed up menstruation.
Vitamin C thickens the lining of the uterus, and therefore helps menstruation to appear earlier.
There is a belief that consuming foods rich in vitamin C, or taking a vitamin C supplement, can stimulate the contraction of the uterus so that menstruation will precede and also hurt less.
Add to your daily diet vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus, kiwi, broccoli, peppers, papayas, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, and pineapple.