DIY- Best Natural Deodorant

natural deodorant smell

In this post, we’ll learn why we sweat, what causes the sweat’s smell,
what’s inside the deodorants we use and why we should only use natural deodorant.

The Good Side of Sweating

There is a cooling or self-regulating mechanism in our body. 
During sweating, fluids open up and are released from the body to cool us down a bit.

Sweating is one of the strong ways of healing that our body uses because it releases and cleans all the toxins that our body accumulates and as you know we consume lots of chemicals whether it is in the diet, medicine, detergents, and air pollution.

Using Deodorant for the Sweat’s Smell

armpit natural deodorant smell

The problem starts with the smell, the smell is not caused by sweating since the human sweat doesn’t have a smell.
It is actually the bacteria that breaks down the sweat, which causes the smell.

The deodorants that you may find today in the shops and pharmacies are mostly non-natural
and contain substances such as aluminum and heavy metals.
These substances clog the pores and do not allow the body to excrete the toxic that accumulates in the body,
therefore the toxin remains and our body absorbs it.

The recipes that I will talk about in this post contain 100% natural ingredients,
and are so easy to make them yourself so that it won’t harm the sweating process,
but will eliminate the bacteria and from there treat the scent that comes with it, ready?

One last thing, I’d like to explain why the recipe’s ingredients are commonly used for deodorants:

  • Baking soda is known to monitor odors and is therefore used as a base for deodorants.
  • The corn starch flour or the arrowroot powder is added to refine the texture.
  • The essential and coconut oils kill fungi, yeast, and bacteria.

1. Natural Deodorant stick


  • 70 grams of virgin unrefined coconut oil
  • 50 grams of arrowroot powder corn starch flour
  • 20 grams of baking soda or clays (like bentonite clay)


baking soda for natural deodorant

Melt all the ingredients together in a Ben Marie,
In other words, place a heatproof bowl on a pot with boiling water and heat on a low flame.

That way there’s no direct contact to the bowl with the flames and it is heated only by the steam from the boiling water that are in the pot.

Let it cool a bit, but not too much so it won’t solidify,
Then add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.

Pour into a deodorant stick container and wait 24 hours for hardening.

Ready to use!

2. Natural Deodorant Salve

Ingredients :

  • 15 grams of shea nut butter.
  • 20 grams of coconut oil.
  • 15 grams of arrowroot powder
  • 20 grams of baking soda or clays (like bentonite clay)
  • 25 drops of Lavender essential oil. 
  • 60 ml glass jar.
  • You can add 2-3 grams of zinc oxide, effective for protecting the skin.


In a glass bowl, we will weigh the shea butter and coconut oil and melt in a Ben Marie, not over direct fire,
similarly to the method explained in the deodorant stick recipe. 

natural deodorant ointment

In another bowl, we will weigh the baking soda powder and arrowroot powder.

When the butter dissolves completely, mix together the content of the two bowls.
Mix them well so that the powder will completely absorb the oil.

Now It’s time to add the essential oil.

Pour into a glass jar and refrigerate for an hour.
Baking soda is heavy and tends to sink, therefore we want the oils to cool down quickly,
so the cream will remain solid and pleasant in texture.

The deodorant is ready to use.

A Few Notes:

  • Sometimes it takes time for the body to adjust to the new deodorant,
    For the reason that if you’re using industrial deodorant for a long time,
    therefore, the body first needs to get rid of the toxic, usually, it takes a few weeks, be patient.
  • if you are sensitive to baking soda, you can replace it with clays (like bentonite clay).
  • You can choose a different kind of essential oil, that you like his scent,
    As long as you make sure that it is safe for use.

Some essential oils are not safe for people that are on medications or for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
also make sure that the essential oil isn’t phototoxic, usually citrus, which can cause irritation on the skin. 

  • Make sure that the products you use are organic, natural and non GMO (Genetically modified).

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