Natural Treatment for High Blood Pressure

natural methods to reduce high vblood pressure

High blood pressure is also known as the silent killer.
Unless you reduce high blood pressure on time,
it may cause heart attacks, strokes, heart disease, organ failure, and death.

What Causes High Blood Pressure

reduce high blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common condition in which the blood pressure on the artery walls is so high that it causes health problems such as heart disease.
Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood the heart pumps and the amount of resistance the blood flow has in the arteries. 
The more blood the heart pumps, and the narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure will be.

Your doctor will prescribe high blood pressure medications,
However, did you know that there are natural solutions available in your own kitchen that you can use instead?

* For those taking medications to lower blood pressure, do not stop taking them or change their quantity, without consulting a doctor.

Basic Recommendation to Reduce Blood Pressure

Lose Weight and Prefer Olive Oil

  • Studies show that there is a direct link between obesity, especially hip obesity, and an increase in blood pressure.
  • Prefer olive oil as a source of fat. 
    Olive oil helps dilate blood vessels and thereby reduce blood pressure and even makes the arteries more resistant to high blood pressure.

Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

vegetables for high blood pressure

Vegetables and fruits contain bioflavonoids,
these herbal chemicals that act as powerful antioxidants and maintain the strength and flexibility of the blood vessel walls.

In addition, they contain dietary fiber that also contributes to reducing blood pressure by reducing sodium absorption, as well as by giving a feeling of satiety that helps to lose weight. 

Less Salt and More Green Tea

  • Limit salt intake. The link between salt intake and hypertension has been proven in hundreds of studies.
  • Drink cocoa or green tea. Similar to vegetables and fruits, cocoa beans and green tea contain flavonoids, which improve the condition of blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. 

Add Potassium-Rich Foods to Your Diet 

Like dietary fiber, potassium has a beneficial effect on sodium concentration,
thus helps balance blood pressure.
Therefore it is recommended to eat legumes, bananas, and dried fruits.
However, chronic kidney patients, diabetics, and patients treated with potassium-raising drugs should avoid foods rich in this mineral. 

Enrich Your Diet With Magnesium 

beans for high blood pressure

Deficient conditions cause blood vessels to become less resistant to damage from hypertension.
The magnesium mineral is essential for the function of the endothelium, the inner layer of the blood vessels,
which is responsible for the secretion of substances that dilate the blood vessels. 

You can find magnesium in nuts, leafy green vegetables and lentils.
Also in whole grains, soybeans, and chocolate.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

While moderate wine drinking, especially red wine which contains polyphenols, natural antioxidants that protect the heart, helps reducing blood pressure, increased alcohol consumption can have the opposite effect.
What is moderate consumption?
No more than 300 milliliters of red wine a day for men and about half of that for women.

Increase Calcium Intake

broccoli for high blood pressure

This mineral balances blood pressure by increasing the excretion of sodium in the urine.
Moreover, people who don’t include enough calcium in their diet have a clear tendency to hypertension,
While high calcium intake can reduce blood pressure in both hypertensive and healthy people. 

Prefer calcium derived from tahini, leafy vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and dried fruits.

The Noni Fruit

Noni is a fruit that grows in the southern hemisphere, from India through Hawaii to Costa Rica,
It has a shape similar to that of the pineapple.
Noni raises serotonin levels and thereby soothes and reduces anxiety, depression, and stress,
In addition, it dilates blood vessels, two effects that lead to a drop in blood pressure.

You can find them In health stores, or you can find syrup or capsules extracted from the fruit. 
Dosage: 3-5 tablespoons of the syrup mixed with water or juice on an empty stomach,
or 2-3 capsules twice a day on an empty stomach.


Allicin, The active ingredient found in garlic and the one responsible for its odor is the reason why garlic may be helpful in reducing blood pressure.
Garlic is effective in slowing the development of atherosclerosis and also slightly reducing blood pressure.

Natural Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Two very essential recommendations that are not related to dietary recommendations but are necessary for the success of the treatment:

Reduce Stress

meditate and relax

The first is to reduce the level of tension and stress through breathing exercises, contact therapies, meditation, yoga, walking on the beach, and any other activity that can help you reduce the level of stress in your life.

It is important that at least one of these steps will be done routinely and regularly,
since without these steps, the nutritional treatment is incomplete.


The second recommendation is to practice regular and constant exercise which improves blood circulation in the blood vessels and improves the feeling of the person.

More Foods That Can Reduce Blood Pressure

fruit juice for high blood pressure
  • Drink Carrots and Spinach Juice twice a day to reduce blood pressure.
  • Beetroot juice is very healthy and some consider it an excellent method of reducing blood pressure. 
    It is recommended to drink the juice twice a day.
  • Boil olive leaves for a few minutes and drink 3 glasses a day.
  • Eat artichokes, it regulates blood pressure.
  • Drink 2-3 glasses of papaya juice a day.
  • Basil contributes to improving blood circulation in the body and thus balance the blood pressure.
  • Parsley is rich in folic acid that helps reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as potassium and magnesium that help reduce blood pressure.
  • Asphodels contain allicin, which you may also find in onions and garlic.
    Allicin contributes to reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  • Dill is rich in potassium, vitamin C, and magnesium.

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